Do you know the Human behavior to jealousy?

Tarvinder Singh
5 min readApr 15, 2020


We are cognizant of the fact of being jealous at some point in our lives, pretty obviously. It might be resentment, envy, covetousness or maybe grudge; these can be characterized as the most prevailing forms of jealousy in the present era.

I tell you it’s totally ‘Okay’! Don’t ever take it as a flaw, not even it is a vulnerability. No one would really hate someone because of his/her potential of envy, apart from someone antagonist. It may create problems only when you start changing your habits to imitate someone, copy or just to have something your friends have and you too want it. Otherwise, I mean come on; It is one of the bugs our firmware carry, the software installed in us by the almighty.

What is jealousy exactly?

Although it has many kinds, let’s talk about the important four of them.

1. Materialistic :

Jealous of your friends? You aren’t really friends then!
  • As humans, we have dreams, goals, and ambitions for the sake we work day and night, execute our present wants for tomorrow’s and literally do not allow ourselves to have fun, don’t go to a sport, ruin sleep schedule or stay far-flung from the comfort zone.

(PS — all this said above is only for people who care about themselves and their carrier)

  • One day, John saw his peer bought that brand new Audi Q3 he was so passionate about and worked really hard for months and years. Just yesterday when he dreamt how surprised his colleagues would be when he will park the new Audi outside his office, how his neighbors will go astonished when he will park his vehicle outside his house and all this went shattered when one of his rivalry peers bought it long before him. And now each of his fantasies changed to a nightmare. I may have exaggerated this illustration exceedingly but just wanted to cite the connection of jealousy to aguish, and how it may act as your path to complete breakdown or extreme prosperity; it all depends on you.
  • Materialistic jealousy often transpires to owe to standard or normal human day-to-day interactions with friends, peers, and colleagues. We work to fulfill dreams, wishes and wants. Interestingly, observing other people gives us this immense feeling of dissatisfaction when someone/something we aspire has already been taken, done, bought or possessed. Like having a crush on someone and ending up seeing some of your peers proposing him/her and they accept it, uh, depressing isn’t it?

2. Relationships (The most emerging)

Yes! The famous distracted boyfriend meme
  • Heterosexual resentment unsurprisingly is the most common and universally operating contamination more contagious than the COVID-19 virus. Unlike the infection, it doesn’t kill you directly but surely can in other ways. Ends long and strong relationships in no time at all, you just need a reason, misconception it may be. ‘Divorce and breakups due to misunderstandings in a relationship’, I think we all have heard or are aware of it, thus, makes you dead inside. I mean, sometimes you assume doubts to be a reality and then the rest of the work is done by our brain, yes, overthinking. Overthinking is the symptom of heterosexual envy, you assume your partner does this and that and as said, our mind is a considerable enemy of ours, so the rest of the work is done by it unquestionably.
  • Insecurity intoxicates your conscience and outrages your companion’s perception, it totally tends your happy and healthy relationship to take a back turn, and leads it to grounds from where there is no going back. The most dangerous part of a relationship, which, kickoffs from jealousy as well.

(Bonus point) What can you do?

“With love, comes expectations”

Although it is inevitable and almost impossible to go back to the healthy state of a relationship, still, the best you can do is to regenerate faith in your partner’s words, talk to them, understand them, and listen more than you say. Basically, there is nothing as such that if a relationship is ruined it can’t be cured and repaired back to normal, it can, you just need to start again and to get back all you need is to re trust. And yes, “I trust you” is any day better than “I love you”. It won’t work, ever, if you don’t trust each other.

3. Endeavor

  • If you work then you know the existence of envy among colleagues, and you surely know the malice of getting a promotion. Well, in every office workers fight with each other and it is totally normal to have a competitive mindset, it helps you to grow and reach more and more destinations in your carrier, I mean that's what success it. The thing turns its direction to a detrimental path when competition changes to rivalry, then success and achievement of others look like a failure of yours.
  • Despite, you work to earn yourself a livelihood, fulfill dreams and mostly because you have a family to feed, still when envy comes into force then targets become darts and aims become overcoming enemies.

4. Disparate

Apart from materialistic, the other form is miscellaneous.

  • Jealousy when you get equal attention from parents and start to feel stranded. When you see your siblings or step-siblings getting more love and stuff from parents except you, the sure feeling is of overthinking that further leads to absolute hate for parents and as well for the brothers/sisters. (Mostly in children younger than 18)
  • After the birth of a younger sibling, it is a sure feeling for elder ones to feel exception and affection turned into annoyment from parents.

Diverersly, jealousy includes much more than what I talked about above. It is was just a little layout of what jealousy means, I categorized them as materialistic(jealousy of things, products, all other stuff, etc.), relationships(boyfriend/girlfriend, wife/husband, brother/sister, etc.), Endeavor(work-related), and Disparate(family-related).

Though, jealousy is a collective word for a huge expression which is really deep and can be talked about as much as one can, thus, I shared with you my views on it and factorized a little information. I hope it did gave you little more views on how we view envy and feeling resentment.

See you in my next article, take care till then and stay strong against the pandemic!

The End



Tarvinder Singh

I aspire to be someone who can influence, at least one person in his entire life.